Honesberie Shooting School

Nick Hollick
The Grange, Priors Marston, Southam, Warwickshire, CV47 7SG
Established: 04/02/2016
Directions: From Priors Marston, take the road for Priors Hardwick. The turning for the shooting ground is on the left, signposted Grange Farm.
Opening Times:
Lessons and groups by appointment; competitions as advertised
9am -
Ground Status: Registered
Other Facilities: Simulated game shoots. Stag and hen parties welcome
Further Info: Assoc of Professional Shooting Instructors. Also offer Archery, Air rifle sharp shooter,. Now have a shooting lodge with conference rooms, and catering for events

Shooting Types:

  • Air Rifle / Air Pistol
  • English Sporting
